• Young people who lack speaking confidence can transform their confidence through the We Speak programme.


    In a programme at Mossbourne Community Academy, 91% of students felt more confident speaking. Students with low speaking confidence experienced up to 70% rise in their confidence.


    The programme is available for schools, sixth form colleges and universities.


    Corporate Mentors support the students on their journey, all the way through to speaking at a celebration event at their offices. We Speak trains university students to deliver the programme.

  • How it works

    A four week enrichment programme



    We create a warm, supportive environment where students build confidence and practice speaking straight away



    Corporate Mentors support the students to explore what they feel passionate about so they can speak authentically



    Students build their speaking confidence through a series of activities where the level of challenge gradually increases



    We celebrate graduation at a workplace, where the Mentors give students advice on speaking and employment

  • Benefits

    Students on the programme:​

    • develop speaking confidence so they are more prepared for education and employment opportunities
    • improve self-confidence so they feel positive about their options
    • establish connections with university students, increasing the likelihood of university applications
    • communicate comfortably with employers, increasing confidence around career options
  • Impact

    In a programme with Year 12s at Mossbourne Community Academy:

    • Participants experienced an average 30% increase in self-assessed speaking confidence
    • There was a 30%–70% increase for the students who had lower speaking confidence to start with
    • 91% of the participants improved speaking confidence (self assessment)
    • 100% improved speaking confidence (peer assessment)
    • 100% improved speaking confidence (staff assessment)

    Before the programme:

    Before the We Speak programme:

    After the programme:

    After the We Speak programme:
  • Want to find out more?

    We are happy to chat about how we can transform your students' speaking confidence